Saturday April 12, 2025 (Time TBD)
Photo Op: (1) Stand-Up Staged Photo with Your Phone or Camera
Only purchase this if you are attending the signing
No Tickets will be mailed out in advance and must be picked up at show day of the signing
- Each Autograph ticket is good for ONE Item to be signing. If you have multiple items, you need multiple autograph tickets.
- Each Inscription ticket is for ONE Inscription or Personalization up to 3 words each. For example: To Joe, Mets HOF 2023 is TWO Inscriptions
- An Inscription ticket is in addition to the Autograph ticket. No previously signed items can have inscriptions added.
- Beckett will only be authenticating items signed at this event. No outside items can be authenticated.
- Each Photo OP ticket is good for ONE Picture with the athlete. If you have a group you can all take ONE picture, if you want individual photos, you will need individual photo op tickets. NO Autograph is included with Photo OP Ticket.
- There are NO photos with the players at the signing table and are only allowed during photo op. You may take a photo of them signing your item(s), but no selfies or photos with any players are permitted at the signing table.
Please note, all credit card payments incur a 3.5% service fee at checkout (this applies to both online and in-person purchases).